M.E / M.Tech

Why M.E / M.Tech

The full form of ME is Master of Engineering and that of M.Tech is Master of Technology. M.Tech is a professional postgraduate engineering master's degree program awarded to candidates after completion of two years of study in the discipline of engineering. This degree is predicated in a specific branch of engineering.

In India, the ME/M.Tech degree is offered across various specializations. These specializations include Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, VLSI, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering etc.

This degree course is offered under the following categories:

1.    Regular (Full-Time)


2.    Sponsored (Full-Time)


3.    Part Time M.Tech

4.    Project Staff (For those who are presently working on sponsored projects)

This master's degree program is also receptive to working diploma holders or diploma holders having work experience for a specified period.

In India, this master's degree is regulated under the aegis of the University Grants Commission of India (UGC), the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Admissions to ME/M.Tech programs offered by technical colleges and universities in India are made through a National level/State-level/Institute-level engineering entrance examination.




1.    Difference between ME and M.Tech

2.    Required Skillset for ME/M.Tech

3.    Eligibility Criteria for ME/M.Tech.

4.    Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): Entrance Exam for M.Tech

5.    Course Curriculum for ME/M.Tech

6.    ME/M.Tech: Types of Job profiles and Top recruiters

7.    Important FAQs Regarding BE/B.Tech


Difference between ME and M.Tech:

As mentioned above, M.E stands for Master of Engineering while M.Tech stands for Master of Technology. The key difference between these two degrees is in terms of their practical impact, course material and orientation.



M.E. is known as a Master of Engineering

M.Tech. is known as Masters of Technology.

M.E is more knowledge-oriented.

M.Tech is more skill-oriented.

M.E is usually designed for students who plan for employment upon graduation and who are already in the engineering workforce.

M.Tech is designed to produce Research Engineers who can get the position of “Technologist” in the industries and research institutes.

M.E emphasizes in-depth concept clarification of facts.

M.Tech emphasizes practical exposure to conceptual knowledge.

M.E is mostly preferred by private universities or self-affiliated colleges. For instance IIT.

M.Tech is offered by colleges affiliated with various universities.

M.E is a conventional term used for the majorly theory-based study. 

M.Tech involves the use of technology and other aided stuff.


Required Skillset for ME/M.Tech:

Ability to communicate – verbal and written

Acquaintance with Industry Standards

Knowledge of the subjects studied in B.E./B.Tech.



Multifaceted Exposure

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Leadership and Management Skills

Commitment and Desire to Learn

Acquaintance with Computers and IT

Attention to details

Giving and receiving feedback


Eligibility Criteria for ME/M.Tech

The basic eligibility requirement for admission to ME/M.Tech program is:

·         Candidates who have completed their BE/B.Tech degrees with a valid score in GATE are eligible for ME/M.Tech degree course.

·         Candidates who have completed a 5-year program in Science or Applied Sciences resulting in the award of a Master of Science degree are also eligible for the Master of Engineering course.

·         Admission is based on rank obtained in the entrance test conducted for ME/M.Tech.

Please note that the ME/M.Tech eligibility criteria would vary from institute to institute.


Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): Entrance Exam for M.Tech:

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering or popularly known as GATE is a national-level engineering exam conducted every year for admission to postgraduate and doctorate level courses at IITsNITs and IIITs. The exam is jointly conducted by seven IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

Various government and private institutions across the country accept the GATE score for admission to their M.Tech programs. Moreover, Public Sector Units (PSUs) also recruit engineers through GATE.

In 2020, GATE will be organized by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in online mode on February 1, 2, 8 and 9. GATE 2020 will be conducted in 25 papers including the newly added subject, Biomedical EngineeringApplication forms for GATE 2020 will be available from September 3, 2019, and the last date to apply for the same is September 24. GATE scores will be valid for a period of three years from the date of the release of the GATE 2020 result i.e. March 16.