M.Sc. in Soil Management

Why M.Sc. in Soil Management

What is Soil Management?

        MSc Soil Management is a two-year post-graduation course studying soil as a natural resource on the surface of the Earth including soil formation, classification, and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils. This course provides knowledge about developing sustainable and manageable agricultural production strategies. It also concentrates on soil significance and importance as well as sustainable resources.

Why Study M.Sc. in Soil Management?

The MSc in Soil Management will prepare you for a range of careers in land-based management and environmental protection.

You will explore:

  • Soil formation, functions, and ecosystem services
  • Role of soils in mitigating climate change
  • Soil health and causes of degradation
  • Management strategies to promote and conserve soil health and sustainable soil systems
  • Practical skills in soil analysis and surveying

You will learn to interpret data and information on soil physics, biology and chemistry for the preservation and maintenance of soil health and gain a greater understanding of soil biodiversity, ecology, and ecosystem services, as well as global-scale issues and threats to soil systems.

The programmed places a strong emphasis on varied teaching approaches for both theoretical understanding and practical skills, such as laboratory and field-based activities.

MSc Soil Management: Syllabus

Below given is the semester wise syllabus of the MSc Soil Science course. However, this syllabus may differ from institutes to institutes.

Semester I

Semester II

  Classification and importance of organic manures, properties, and methods of preparation of bulky manures.

  Soil fertility and soil        productivity

 Green/leaf manuring.

 Soil Physics

 Soil Mineralogy, Genesis, Classification and Survey

 Soil Structure

  Soil Erosion and Conservation

 Soil Biology and   Biochemistry

Semester III

Semester IV

 Geomorphology and Geochemistry

 Radioisotopes in soil and Plant Studies

 Remote Sensing and GIs Techniques for Soil and Crop Studies

 System Approaches in Soil and Crop Studies

 Fertilizer Technology

 Land Degradation and Restoration


MSc Soil Management: Future Scope

  • After completion of the MSc Soil Science, a student may go on to pursue research in various fields related to education. They may also go for an M.Phil. as There are numerous colleges that offer MPhil and PhD courses to MSc Agriculture students.
  • Competitive examinations: Another route that MSc Soil Science graduates can go for is to prepare for competitive examinations. These examinations are meant for job opportunities in Government sector organizations.

 MSc Soil Management: Job Profile

1)   Horticulture Consultant.

2)   Farm Manager.

3)   Plant Geneticist.

4)   Conservation Planner.

5)   Landscape Professional.

6)   Soil Technical Auditor.

7)   Food Production Personnel.



  • Aspiring students should have passed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with at least 50% marks in aggregate 
  • Some of the very reputed universities and institutes conduct an entrance examination to get admission.