M.Sc. in Agronomy

Why M.Sc. in Agronomy

What is M.Sc. in Agronomy?

        The M.Sc. Agronomy is a postgraduate course in agriculture. Agronomy is the application of various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production, Scientific agriculture.

Crop production, drought, herbicide, and crop production, physiological aspects of crop yield, principles of crop nutrition, physiology of crop plants, advanced irrigation agronomy, agricultural research organization, advanced crop ecology, applied conservation agriculture, dry area agriculture, crop And Agricultural Systems and Agricultural Sciences. After passing this course, students have many opportunities in various fields.

Agronomy is also common, sometimes spelled out (agronomy), a branch of biology that deals with the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, development, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct. Study parasites and immunity, cell and receptor biology, development and animal behavior, biodiversity and taxonomy and neuroscience and endocrinology. Classes may include both lectures and labs to accomplish desired results.

Why Study M.Sc. in Agronomy?

A Master of Science in Agronomy provides graduates with a thorough knowledge and understanding of how agricultural productivity can improve food security and assist societies with the ability to streamline more efficient food production methodologies.

Scope of the Course:

These are the career prospects after completion of the M.Sc. Agronomy after completing the course are given below:

  • Agronomists: - They can conduct the research and the field investigations, take samples and observations, perform tests, and identify and solve the problems related to the plant or soil nutrition, damage from pests or wildlife, weather, or climate change, or use special products, Such as pesticides, fertilizers, etc.
  • Agricultural Scientists: - Agricultural scientists work in many specialties. Veterinarians focus on how domestic agricultural animals are used for food. They study reproduction, development, genetics, and diseases. Food scientists and technologists analyze nutrition and processing to make manufactured foods more attractive and nutritious.
  • Crop Production Specialist: - The Crop Production Specialist will assist the Project Management Unit (PMU) in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of production, productivity and income of domestic crops related to the targeted crops.
  • Crop Scientist: - Crop scientists, also known as soil and plant scientists, work to improve the quality of the food crops that we consume. This may include developing new methods to keep pests and weeds at bay. Crop scientists work in a variety of settings, including laboratories, offices, and crops that are grown.
  • Lab Technician: - Lab assistants are responsible for helping technologists and scientists during lab tests and research. These highly analytical professionals have in-depth knowledge of basic laboratory techniques and equipment. His duties include processing samples, classified results and recording findings.
  • Assistant Professor: - The responsibilities of an assistant professor include teaching the required number of classes, providing guidance and supervision to graduate students, attending departmental meetings, and providing academic support to professors and other faculty members.
  • Research Fellow: - The Research Fellow develops a strategy and vision from start to finish of a project; Creates teams and collaborations that understand the direction of the project. Communicates direction through words or actions to motivate team members to reach goals.
  • Farm Associate: - Coordination with farmers - Collecting soil samples, maintaining farm profile, etc. Kisan Interaction - Discussion on creating and driving the WhatsApp group.
  • Farm Manager: - the farm manager is responsible for the management and general maintenance of the farm. On a crop farm, a farm manager will supervise the fertilization, planting, spraying, cultivation and harvesting processes of crops.

M.Sc. in Agronomy: Syllabus:

       A semester - wise breakup of the course’s syllabus is tabulated below.


Micro economic theory and application

Macro-economics and policy

Agricultural production economics


Agricultural marketing and price analysis

Research methodology for social sciences


International economics


Agricultural finance and project management

Agricultural development and policies


Master’s seminar


Master’s research


        Eligibility criteria for the M.Sc. Agronomy candidate are given below:

  • B. Sc. Agriculture with a minimum of 50% marks.