B.Sc. (Horticulture)

Why B.Sc. (Horticulture)

What is B.Sc. Horticulture?

The BSc Horticulture Science course deals with topics related to breeding of plants, plant nutrition, fertilizers, pesticides, and all the other aspects that are required to grow good crop plants.

  • The stream concentrates mainly on crop plants, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and medicinal plants.
  • It individually discusses various types 9f crops like fruit crops, vegetable crops, garden crops, plantation crops, and many other types.
  • The course discusses important topics related to the breeding of plants like Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops, Seed Production of Vegetable, Tuber, and Spice Crops, among others.
  • The course also discusses soil quality, type of soil required for different types of plants and how to grow different crops in different conditions.
  • This course will prepare the students to breed, grow, evolve, and do business with any kind of crop plants.
  • Not only this, but the course will also teach how to do marketing of Argo Products, how to manage orchids and farms, and many other important management related topics which will help the students to manage and run any agricultural farm successfully.

Why Study B.Sc. in Horticulture?

B.Sc. in Horticulture is an advanced programmed in the field of agricultural science that comprises subjects regarding the cultivation of plants and the study of seeds. The programmed also covers plant diseases, growth, and genetics.

Scope of the Course:

After completing BSc Horticulture Science Course, the candidates will have the following future scope options available.

  • The candidates can join the higher courses like master’s degree courses such as MSc Horticulture, MSc Agriculture, and other relevant courses. These will help them join the research based higher courses in future.
  • The admission to MSc courses is usually granted based on entrance exams. However, some universities also conduct entrance exams for admission to MSc courses.
  • The candidates can also do relevant management courses like MBA Product Management, MBA Marketing Management, MBA Farm Management, among others. These courses will help them in getting better jobs in future.
  • For admission to MBA courses, the candidates will have to qualify in various MBA Entrance Exams like CAT, MAT, CMAT, among others.
  • The candidates can also prepare for various government service exams like Railways, UPSC, CTET, etc.
  • The candidates can also start their own horticulture farms and set up their own Argo business.

B.Sc. Horticulture Science Syllabus:

The BSc Horticulture Science Course is divided into 6 to 8 semesters, depending on the duration of the course. The semester wise breakup of the subjects taught in BSc Horticulture Science Course are tabulated below. 

Semester I

Semester II

  Elementary Statistics and Mathematics

 Tropical and Subtropical Vegetables

  Fundamentals of Soil Science

 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding

  Fundamentals of Economics and Marketing

 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

  Plant Propagation and Nursery Management

 Fundamentals of Entomology

  Introductory Crop Physiology

 Fundamentals of Extension Education

  Fundamentals of Horticulture

 Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry

  Principles of Landscape Architecture

 Orchard and Estate Management

  Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics

 Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops

  Communication Skills and Personality   Development

 Introductory Microbiology

 Human Values and Ethics

Dryland Horticulture

Semester III

Semester IV

 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

 Soil, Water and Plant Analysis

 Spices and Condiments

 Weed Management of Horticultural Crops

Organic Farming

 Tropical and Subtropical Fruits

 Nematode Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management

 Ornamental Horticulture

 Principles of Plant Biotechnology

 Plantation Crops

Temperate Fruit Crops

 Farm Machinery and Power

 Commercial Floriculture

 Diseases of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops

 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management

 Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops

 Agri- Informatics and Computer Application

 Introductory Argo meteorology & Climate Change

Semester V

Semester VI

 Temperate Vegetable Crops

 Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops

 Introduction to Major Field Crops

 Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac culture

 Medicinal and Aromatic crops

 Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation

 Seed Production of Vegetable, Tuber, and Spice Crops

 Introductory Agroforestry

 Breeding of Vegetable, Tuber, and Spice Crops

 Breeding and Seed Production of Flower and Ornamental Plants

 Diseases of Vegetables, Ornamentals and Spice Crops

 Water Management in Horticultural Crops

 Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops

 Horta-Business Management

 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management

 Potato and Tuber Crops

Processing of Horticultural Crops

Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops

Semester VII

Semester VIII

 Student Project

 Student Project

  • The candidates must complete 10+2 in science stream with Biology as one of the compulsory subjects.
  • The candidates must score above 50% aggregate marks in class 12. However, this may vary from university to university.
  • The candidates must study English as one of the compulsory subjects.
  • The candidates must have good communication skills.
  • The candidates must be above 27 years of age. The maximum age limit varies from college to college and ranges between 21 to 24 years.