If you’re hoping to become an agricultural development whizz and take over the family farming business, or if you’d like to work in the food supply, then you might consider studying agriculture at university. The subject has been gaining momentum over recent years, with enrolment in agriculture courses continuing to rise and growing demand worldwide for new blood to regenerate the sector from within.

1) There’s a huge amount of high-tech innovation driving the sector:

       Whether you’re interested in water, soil or the land, studying agriculture at university will expose you to some of the challenges facing this generation and the next. Whatever your interests and specialty, your degree will introduce you to pressing environmental issues and supply challenges, as well as the influx of new innovative solutions and technology being developed and trialed.

2) There’s a high demand for new farmers:

     There will be a growing number of vacancies to fill over the next few decades, with potentially high wages for young people with ambition and vision. The agricultural sector is in desperate need of new entrants to replace a generation of baby boomers currently a few years before retirement. So, if you’re an aspiring agronomist, horticulturist, landscape architect or fishery manager, you’re in luck. Your expertise is scarce in the world and vital to modern farming wherever you hope to settle.

3) Changing attitudes toward animal welfare and the environment are affecting how farmers work:

     Strains on the environment and farm animals have created a worldwide demand for more research and expertise on compassionate eco-friendly farming practices and solutions. If you’re keen to learn more about animal welfare, the production of food and the preservation of the countryside, agriculture courses will introduce you to the fundamentals and the new techniques being used to sustain production.

4)There is some potential for overseas travel within agricultural development:

     Some 75% of the world’s poor depend on agriculture for their livelihoods – but very few have access to advanced training, education and technologies to enable them to live sustainably. If you’re interested in making a real impact and traveling, a degree in agricultural development will prepare you to make a contribution to sustainable farming, forestry and food production in developing countries.

5) Population growth is driving demand for improved efficiency and innovation:

     By 2050, the global population is on course to reach nine billion people, and they’ll all need to be fed. This population growth will bring real business opportunities in the years to come for young farmers to come in and augment productivity through research, technology and improved methods. Think you’ve got what it takes?